Jasty and Manvar Medical Practice specializes in Cardiovascular Diseases and Internal Medicine. Members of the practice are Dr. Babu Jasty, Dr. Buddhadev Manvar, and Dr. Zurab Abayev. Drs. Jasty and Manvar are experienced cardiologists with over 20 years of experience. Dr. Abayev is a physician specializing in Internal Medicine. To find out more about the doctors, please visit the Doctors page. Drs. Jasty, Manvar, and Abayev
Offices The practice owns two main offices in Brooklyn, New York. The offices are located in the Downtown Brooklyn and Bensonhurst areas of the borough. For more information about the offices (such as office hours, location, and directions to the office), please visit the Offices page.
The doctors of our practice have privileges in six hospitals located in New York City. In cases of emergency, please remember which facilities our practice is affiliated with and ask to be brought there. In those cases, we will be able to do everything in our powers to help you. To find out more about the hospitals, please visit the Affiliations page. Hospital and Nursing Home Affiliations
Patient Services: Forms and FAQ Through this web site, we would like to keep in touch with our patients. Before scheduling or attending an appointment, please visit the Patient Services page. It includes a list of affiliated insurance providers, answers to frequently asked administrative questions and links to medical forms. It also includes directions for scheduling appointments and for submitting questions using the Internet.
We know that many patients want to learn more about the procedures that we perform, the treatment of common diseases, and the some frequently prescribed diets. To learn more about medicine, please visit the Patient Education page. Patient Education